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Know your duties - a tool for working safely
This tool provides information about duties under the model WHS laws, including duties for PCBUs and workers in the agriculture industry, how to meet these duties, and hazards you may face working in agriculture.
This resource covers what you must consider to assess the risks of exposure to silica dust at your workplace.For more information see Working with crystalline silica substances: Guidance for PCBUs.
This resource outlines work activities that can produce silica dust.For more information see Working with crystalline silica substances: Guidance for PCBUs.
This resource defines crystalline silica and respirable crystalline silica or silica dust, including how the dust is created and silica related diseases.For more information see Working with crystalline silica substances: Guidance for PCBUs.
Flowchart for identifying and managing risks from exposure to crystalline silica.For more information see Working with crystalline silica substances: Guidance for PCBUs.
This resource provides a summary of key changes to the regulation of crystalline silica substances in the model WHS Regulations from 1 September 2024, and how these changes affect workplaces. For more information see Working with crystalline silica…
This is the model form for PCBUs to notify the relevant WHS regulator when they intend to undertake the repair, minor modification, removal, or disposal of legacy engineered stone (permitted work with legacy engineered stone). Each WHS regulator will…
This is the current version of the model WHS Regulations, dated 1 September 2024, which includes all amendments made since 2011. For the model WHS Regulations to have effect in a jurisdiction it must be implemented in that jurisdiction. Amendments to the…
The explanatory statement explains the intended operation of the current version of the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations, dated 1 September 2024. For information on the WHS laws in your jurisdiction, please refer to the law in your…
This Emissions Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy, associated guidance and reporting standards for annual emissions reporting.