Model WHS Laws

We created the model WHS laws in 2011.

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Data and Research

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Resources and Publications

We publish a wide range of resources covering many work health and safety topics.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), you may access copies of documents held by the Australian Government and its agencies, unless the document is exempt in whole or in part under the FOI Act.

Work health and safety (WHS) investigations

We do not hold documents about WHS investigations. Please submit any FOI requests on WHS investigations to the relevant WHS regulator.

Workers compensation claims

We do not hold documents about workers compensation claims. Please submit FOI requests on workers compensation to the relevant workers compensation claims manager.

Making an FOI request

You must make your FOI request in writing and state:

  • that it is an application for the purposes of  the FOI Act
  • provide information about the document(s) you want
  • give details about how to reply to you – for example, an email or postal address.

You can email or post your FOI request to us. 

Fees and charges

It costs nothing to:

  • make an FOI request
  • apply for an internal review
  • request access to your personal information.

Fees and charges may apply for:

  • search and retrieval ($15 per hour)
  • decision making (no charge for the first 5 hours, then $20 an hour).

We will confirm charges with you. You must pay charges before you can access documents.

We may waive fees and charges if:

  • paying the fee, or part of the fee, would cause financial hardship
  • we do not meet a statutory timeframe
  • providing access to documents is in the general public’s or large section of the public’s interest

Responding to your FOI request

 We will tell you within 14 days, from receipt of your request, that we have received your FOI request.  We will give you our decision and the reasons for our decision within 30 days, from receipt of your FOI request, unless that time has been extended.  If we need more time, we will seek an extension.

Reviews and complaints

If you disagree with our decision about your FOI request, you can:

You must send us your internal review request

  • in writing
  • within 30 days after the day of getting your decision letter – unless you ask us for more time.

We will finish the review within 30 days after the day we receive your request.

If you wish to complain about how we have handled your FOI  request, you can:

Disclosure log

Our disclosure log lists the documents provided in response to FOI requests for the current financial year.


You can email us with your FOI request or request for an internal review.

Or post your FOI request to:

The Freedom of Information Officer

Safe Work Australia

GPO Box 641


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Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.