The Commonwealth, states and territories regulate and enforce WHS laws.
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Workplace violence and aggression is when a person is abused, threatened or assaulted at the workplace or while they’re working.
It can cause both physical and psychological harm, making it a risk to health and safety.
Under the model WHS laws, persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) must manage the health and safety risks of workplace violence and aggression between workers and from other people at the workplace, like customers and clients.
SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.
Other laws may also apply depending on the nature and circumstances of violence and aggression, for example criminal laws, anti-discrimination laws and industrial laws. Further information and advice can be obtained from the organisations and agencies below:
Australian Human Rights Commission - - 1300 656 419 or 02 9284 9888
Fair Work Commission - 1300 799 675
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
1800Respect - 1800 737 732
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Other laws may also apply depending on the nature and circumstances of violence and aggression, for example criminal laws, anti-discrimination laws and industrial laws. Further information and advice can be obtained from the organisations and agencies below:
Australian Human Rights Commission - - 1300 656 419 or 02 9284 9888
Fair Work Commission - 1300 799 675
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
1800Respect - 1800 737 732
Lifeline - 13 11 14