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This chapter provides brief information on some of the important aspects of workers’ compensation legislation and how they differ between jurisdictions. Later chapters deal with some of these aspects in more detail.

Below is a summary of the tables contained in this chapter and their content:

3.1 Key features of schemes — Table 3.1 provides a summary of some of the key features including the number of employees covered, the number and rate of serious claims and the standardised average premium rates.

3.2 Summary of coverage — Tables 3.2a to 3.2e provide a summary of coverage including who is covered (coverage of employees and coverage of contractors and labour hire workers), whether coverage is extended to injuries that occur during journeys and breaks and what is covered (definition of injury and employment contribution) and retirement provisions. More detailed information on these topics can be found in Chapter 3.

3.3 Summary of benefits — Table 3.3 provides a summary of weekly payments, medical and hospital payments, lump sum payments for permanent impairment and death entitlements. More detail is provided in Chapter 5.

3.4 Prescribed time periods for injury notification — Table 3.4 shows the timeframes for injury notification, claims submissions etc. that are prescribed in most jurisdictions.

3.5 Prescribed time periods for claim submission — Table 3.5 summarises the processes and timeframes involved in submitting a claim and highlights whether the worker, employer and/or insurer/authority has responsibility for the various aspects.

3.6 Prescribed time periods for payments — Table 3.6 summarises when eligibility for payments begin, when payments start, when the employer passes on payments to injured workers, period specified for medical invoices to be sent to insurers, and when medical expenses are accepted and paid.

3.7 Dispute resolution process — Table 3.7 outlines the procedures followed by each jurisdiction to resolve issues arising from workers’ compensation claims.

3.8 Remuneration for the purposes of premium calculation — Table 3.8 summarises the basis for insurers to quantify workers’ compensation premiums, which are paid by employers annually. Premiums are expressed as a percentage of an employer’s total payroll.

3.9 Employer excess —Table 3.9 outlines the type and amount of employer excess payable in each jurisdiction, as applicable.

3.10 Uninsured employer provisions — Table 3.10 outlines the provisions in place in each jurisdiction to ensure that workers of uninsured employers receive the same benefits as those covered.

3.11 Leave while on workers’ compensation — Table 3.11 outlines provisions in workers’ compensation or other legislation relating to leave accrual while on workers’ compensation and the effect of taking leave on compensation paid.

3.12 Superannuation and workers’ compensation — Table 3.12 provides information on whether the schemes include superannuation as wages for premium calculations and as part of income replacement payments.