The Australian Work Exposures Study (AWES) was a national survey conducted by the Western Australian Institute of Medical Research (WAIMR) in 2011–12 that investigated work-related exposures among Australian workers to 38 known or suspected carcinogens.
Some forms of lead are considered to be probable carcinogens and the work described in this report prepared by Elmatom Pty Ltd uses AWES data to:
- estimate the prevalence of work-related exposure to lead during relatively common workplace activities
- identify the main circumstances of those exposures, and
- identify the use of workplace control measures designed to decrease those exposures.
This report describes exposures that occur when typical work activities are carried out by Australian workers—it does not specifically focus on high risk lead work or ‘lead’ industries.
This report has been written to inform public debate and the development of work health and safety policy.
Supporting information
This Research Brief provides a summary of key findings from the report Australian Work Exposures Study (AWES): Lead and lead compounds.
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